A blog about my journey of training to run a 1/2 marathon with Team In Training and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and beyond.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

New Curveball

I have a beautiful, brilliant friend who says that I have inspired her to start training for her first race. So she has been training using the Couch Potatoe to 5K program and doing fab. However, she had the audacity to issue me a challenge yesterday.  We will take turns selecting "The exercise of the day". We will then do as many reps of that exercise as possible in a 24 hour period. The one with the most reps wins the day and bragging rights. So to up the audacity factor, I have named the challenge AND developed a spreadsheet to track our progress. Welcome to Day 1 of A&C's Big Ass Challenge. (We are both big girls with even bigger senses of humor, so I went with a cheeky name. She loved it.)
Day 1. The exercise: the dreaded squat. A's pick (I hate her a little now). A's total: 30. My total: 45. Winner: ME!!
Day 2, my pick: the wall pushup. We'll see who comes out on top this time. Check in tomorrow for the results!

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