A blog about my journey of training to run a 1/2 marathon with Team In Training and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and beyond.

Monday, August 30, 2010

My first race is in the BAG!

Before the race - Not quite awake yet!
On Saturday, the 28th, I ran and finished my very first 5K race. I ran the Moore War 5K to raise money for scholarships. It went pretty well. My time wasn't great but better than I expected.  I finished in 45:02. There was about 400 people there. It was my first time running in a crowd, which if you don't know, can be kinda scary. You better move your butt or you will be ran over. The course was okay. I think I met the cousin of the hills that live in norman, so that part sucked. But overall not a bad run. 15 minute miles is a long ways from the 20 minutes miles I was running when I started. Plus we had cute fireman at a couple of the water stops. : ) I felt like a real runner with my gear on, my IPod cranking out some wicked tunes, and my bib pinned securely to my shirt. Though I did have issue with my pants. My specialty dryknit runner's britches that used to be too tight that I could barely get into them tried to make a break for it and started down toward my knees. I kept having to pull them up every few steps.  It completely threw off my stride. So definetly time for some new pants. And I will admit that I am a little ashamed that I was passed by a few people pushing strollers, but in my defense they were flying by like they had the RT's.  It was overall a good experience, and I'm glad that I got my very first race in the bag.  I'm an old pro from here on out. : )
My familia came out to cheer me on! P.S. Daddy dressed them. LOL!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

That Makes Me Nervous

I have my first official race this weekend. Nothing big, nothing fancy. Just a little 5K in my hometown to raise money for scholarships. But I'm a little nervous. I've been training for almost 4 months now, but I've never ran in a real race before. So hopefully, all goes well and I finish in a respectable time. Fingers crossed!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Just Kidding.....

Just Kidding. I am back in the game! I just found out that I will be able to transfer to a different race. So I only thought that I was finished with training.  Yippee!!!! I will begin training for the OKC Memorial Marathon. Right here in my very own city. So no big travel plans, but a meaningful race to commerate the victims of the Oklahoma City Bombing. So I will still be training and blogging.... Keep checking in to see what happens next!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sadly, yes...

Sadly, yes.... I am no longer training for the Team In Training 1/2 marathon in San Francisco. I did not meet my fundraising goal by the deadline. But we raised a big chunk of money for LLS, and hopefully it will put us one step closer to finding a cure. I will keeping training, just not as hard and will have a headstart on next year. Our fundraising will be bigger and better and we will meet our goal and I WILL cross that finishline. Until then I will continue to update this blog and train and maybe run some small races to practice. I will be skinny....okay, less fat! OH, and raise money for cancer research! : )

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Miles (Stairs) in Paradise

View from my room. St. Thomas, USVI

The dreaded "99Stairs"
Me, tired & sunburnt
I just spent the majority of the last week in a tropical paradise. I won a trip through my job .

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Setback City

AAAAAGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This has been a week of frustration. I have been busting my bodonkadonk with my fundraising. We had two bake sales and a garage sale in three weeks. And we would have had a car wash too. But my sister got sick and we had to reschedule. But no matter how many functions we have, it feels like we are just chipping away at the goal and it's getting a little frustrating. But more frustrating is my training. I have went to visit a little town known as Setback City.  I didn't hit all my miles this past week. I just didn't have time. It was either run or bake. So I baked! Then my run yesterday was terrible. It was hot and hot and well, hot. I was drenched and burned and hot and I'm pretty sure that I now have a stress fracture in my right foot. What fun! And to top it all off, it was revenge of the RTs. That's right, the POJ was not just a shrine but a valuable piece of training equipment yesterday. Unfortunately, I was not the only one that had the RTs. And some people should be ashamed of themselves. Do you have any idea how hard it is to poop standing up and not get it everywhere? But I manage to do it, why can't everyone else? Dirty runners. So I did what any good athlete in training would do, I left after my run, went to my friends' K&M's place and laid out by the pool or as K would say I sunbaked. It was fabulous and very hot. So maybe training will be better next week. Here's to hoping there are no more trips to Setback City.