A blog about my journey of training to run a 1/2 marathon with Team In Training and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and beyond.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


There are less than 2 weeks until the Dirty 30! I repeat: There are less than 2 weeks until the Dirty 30! Well...crap! I am no where near ready. My life is chaos...clean, organized chaos, but chaos none the less. Between working a new job, lawyer stuff, potty-training, cleaning, cooking, running, and loving,  I need more hours in the day. Could someone please arranged that? Great, thanks! When I do get a free minute I am soooooooo tired, I just want to sit and breathe. So....I am just going to have to suck it up and do the very best that I can for the race and for the love of God, would someone please motivate me to exercise more!!! The idea of the upcoming race isn't doing it. The idea of losing weight isn't doing it. The promise of a new ukulele if I lose a certain poundage isn't doing it. Even the looming threat of jiggle, jiggle, cellulite season (aka swimsuit season) isn't doing it. I may have to seek professional help on this one. I may have to call my trainer, Mark and let him yell at me a while. >sigh< When all I really want to do is sleep and eat a doughnut. : )

Peace, love, and zzzzz's.

Update: A quick once over of my previous entries has led me to the conclusion that I am having such a hard time recently because I lost my mojo. And I'm pretty sure it moved to Australia. : ( What's a girl to do now?

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