A blog about my journey of training to run a 1/2 marathon with Team In Training and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and beyond.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

It's On....AGAIN

I have this friend, let's call her A, she is always challenging me to contests, duels, and challenges. She is the brilliant initiator of C&A's Big Ass Challenge of 2011. And she is back, folks. Today she issued the challenge of a running duel. ONE month, Most miles wins! So from today until Oct. 5 we will do daily mile ins, weekly bragging rights, and the monthly winner will not only get bragging rights (very popular among my crew), they will get a homemade crafty gift from the loser. AND that's not all folks, for a limited time the LOSER will have to wear a t-shirt saying they lost and how many miles they lost by at the next race that we are both attending. Now I know that A is gunning for yet another of my beautiful hats made with love and sunshine.

She really loves my hats!

But I'm not going to make it easy for her. She's gonna have to really earn that hat. Because IT'S ON!

Peace, Love, and Homemade Crafts!

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