A blog about my journey of training to run a 1/2 marathon with Team In Training and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and beyond.

Friday, March 11, 2011


I have apparently been very terrible about posting blogs recently, but in my defense I have two jobs, go to school, have two small children, and am training for a marathon. So I think that I deserve some slack. : ) However, this next week is Spring Break! Holla, holla! So perhaps I can become slightly more diligent about blogging at least for the week. Until then, let me catch you up. I have been busting my butt at work and then going home and going to the gym. Our gym has a daycare and we have bben dropping the kids there while we work out for an hour. I feel really guilty about this, but I try to remember that I am getting in shape as much for them as I am for me. Plus they have a blast in there with all the other kids and toys.  I am trying to play catch-up on my marathon trying...(oops! typo or freudian slip, you decide)...training. So I have a routine of running, running, running, running, yoga, running, weights, and running. I should be super swizzle stick skinny, but I'm not! Blah! Still super frustrating, but I should see a big pay off when I run in an 8K this next weekend. Hopefully, I have a decent time, and pictures should be funny since it is a St. Patrick's Day themed race. I'll be sure to post. Until next time...Peace, Love, & cheese!

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