A blog about my journey of training to run a 1/2 marathon with Team In Training and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and beyond.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Color Me Rad...AKA hot and dirty

Yesterday was the Color Me Rad 5K here in OKC. I was so excited that my molecules were practically vibrating. Why was I so excited? You mean besides the general awesomeness of a run where they douse you with paint? Oh, there were so many reasons. It was a fun run so I didn't have to worry about time. I got to try out my new running capris (more on that later). There was paint to be thrown AND I got to check a race off of my bucket list.  We started off all clean and pristine with our matching white duds and our rockin' 80's glasses. Drea brought me an awesome zebra striped bandana to complete my ensemble.

They didn't really keep you to your assigned start time. They just kind of herded us to the start line and set us free. They pelted us with paint out of the gate. The race route was okay. It had a giant hill that I wasn't expecting and lots of open terrain with no shade, which in an Oklahoma summer = HOT, HOT, HOT! There were stations of pigment paint (which is a powder) and stations of paint that they sprayed on you. The pigment flew all through the air, so if the person next to you got hit, you were getting some on you too. I woke up yesterday I really congested. I felt better by race time, but I must of still breathed a little through my mouth because at one point Drea informed me that my tongue was blue.

By golly, it was. The wet stations felt great and helped cool ya down. There was only one waterstop which made the race a little harder than it should have been. But thanks to Drea and Bruno Mars, I powered through. The atmosphere was fun and excited.  Big thanks to Drea for hanging out with me, and Aubs just for being you. And to all the peeps that I didn't get to hang with because it was so crazy, next year we will assemble and dominate.
And I promise that there will be no more tongue pictures at the next race. :)

Now, as for my new running capris, I am totally, completely, absolutely in love with them. My recently departed running pants will always have a special place in my heart, however my new ones are just the bees knees. Thank you Amanda for talking me into them. They are comfortable, stylish, and best of all they squeeze all mywiggle spots so tight that they do not jiggle for I run. Thank you UA for your Women'sHeatGear® Lunge capris : )

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