A blog about my journey of training to run a 1/2 marathon with Team In Training and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and beyond.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Today was the See Spot Run 10K in Guthrie, OK. I didn't finish. I'm mad, embarrassed, upset, frustrated, and sick. I woke up this morning not feeling quite right. I couldn't put my finger on it, just "not right". Well, lesson learned here. When your body is telling you that something isn't right, it probably is. I had pains and pops, but I am used to sounding like a bowl of Rice Krispies when I first start running. It usually works itslef out by mile 3 or 4. But today....well, today just wasn't in the cards for me. I pulled the plug after 8K. I know, I know. I only had 2K left, and I am now kicking myself about it now. But just a few hours ago, I was certain that I was done and I was. I am still having my ankle problems, but that has yet to stop me. It wasn't until I started feeling weak and nauseated that I really noticed that something was wrong. Then right after the 8K marker, I started shaking. I had to keep going until I saw race crew, but they were kind enough to get me something to drink and get me back to the start. I HATE that I didn't get to finish, but they suggested that I stop. I was going to keep pushing until the lady told me that I didn't "look right". That was enough for me. So I have been KO'd by a 10K and I am already plotting my revenge.

Side note: I have an amazing friend in K. She is my drill sergeant and my cheerleader all-in-one. I don't know what I am going to do when she's gone. I love you, K! : )

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