Kelly & I before the race |
The luck of the Irish...and the determination of the Mexican. Yesterday, I finished my second race ever. An 8K. I know that I have done twice that distance in training sessions, but man, it seemed like a really long race. It's good people and a fun atmosphere. Not the best track, but it has some pretty parts going round Lake Hefner. My first two miles are always crap. I struggle and whine (if only in my head) and ask myself why I do this. Then usually mile 3 kicks in gear and it's smooth sailing from there. Well, yesterday was no different. I HATED the first 2 miles. My legs felt tight and I wanted to quit, go home, and get back into bed. But...I saw mile 3 ahead and shouted woohoo! I think I shouted out loud too, because I got a couple of funny looks. The perfect song came on, "Woman" by Wolfmother. And I picked up my stride and ...realized that my right foot was completely numb. Have you ever tried to run with a numb foot? Not as easy as it sounds. I looked like the pirate Peg Leg Pete running away from angry villagers. It started to get better when I walked, so I had to walk a lot more than I would have like. I finished the race in 1:15. I am so unhappy with that time. However, the highlight of the race was when my husband and my oldest kiddo were standing at the finish line to cheer me on. Tragon ran out to me and actually ran the last couple hundred of feet with me and crossed the finish line, which he thought was really cool. I had a really good friend run with me and she left me in her dust. I am so proud of her. She kicked butt. Great job, Kel!!! So Redbud Classic here we come!
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