Garage sale goodies |
We, T and I, have really been focusing on our fundraising the last month. It's been good and bad. A lot of time and a lot of energy... and a little money. But I have to admit that I have some of the greatest friends and family ever. They have been volunteering like crazy. Helping out in whatever way that they can. You All Rock!!!! So we had a garage sale a couple of weeks ago, and it went all right. I thought that if we told people that it was for charity they would be less likely to haggle, uh not true! There are some haggle happy people out there. Really?! You want to haggle me for a quarter when there is children with cancer, but to each there own. Whatever money we make goes to a good cause. So it was me, my sis, my mom, my cousin Lexi, and the best brother-in-law ever, Stephen.
Sheila, our winner! |
So then we had another bake sale, this time up at my work. It went really well. We made in an hour and a half what took us 8 hours to make at Wal- Mart. And my peeps really came through on this one. Kell and Aussie Mike baked their little Australian Arces off. God Bless your Aussies! They made this sinful confection called honeycomb, amazing melt in your mouth, expand your waistline, crack-like habit-inducing stuff. We also sold my last two cookbooks and raffled off a gift basket from William-Sonoma. Above is a picture of our raffle winner. Congrats Sheila!
So I actually enjoy some of this fundraising stuff. I like organizing and baking and decorating, however I am still a ways away from my goal. I am hoping to win the lottery so I can just pay for it and be done with it. Next year, we are doing big events and hopefully raising crazy mad money. So more fundraising craziness to come.
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