A blog about my journey of training to run a 1/2 marathon with Team In Training and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and beyond.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

New Year....New Adventures!

This winter was a rough one. The cold weather always puts a damper on my routine, but this winter I have had more injuries than I've ever had before. One right after another: foot, hip, quad, hip, back, hip, ankle, hip. See the pattern yet?! Everything I tried seemed to have no effect or make the pain worse. So I started seeing a chiropractor to see if he could fix this blasted hip.  X-rays showed that my hip was way out of place. So after many session and lots of exercises to strengthen, and yoga to well.... just keep my sanity. I am feeling super duper ultra mega better. I have also found a new favorite, acupuncture. I know it sounds awful, but I LOVE it!!! 

This season has already been a bad one for wind and allergies in Oklahoma. My answer to this problem has been acupuncture for my sinuses. We have also tried it in the hip, calf, and shoulder for various other issues. But my favorite is the back and neck.  I just lie there like a human pincushion and it's glorious.

I'm doing everything I can to feel like a normal, functioning human being without caving in and taking a bunch of expensive medications. I'm not saying everyone should do this, and I'm not knocking people who have to take the meds. (So save your hate mail!) I am just trying to hold off as long as possible. I know that one day my Lupus may get the best of me and I may have no choice but to take all the medications. Until then I will explore other avenues that work for me. Is that enough of a disclaimer?!

Besides I like trying new things: new hairstyles, new makeup, new books, new exercise classes, new adventures. This year seems to already be chalk full of new things. I am starting a couple of new adventures here very soon. I signed the paperwork the other day accepting a new job. I'm very excited/nervous about it.    Hubs is taking on a new roll at work, which completely changes our routine at home. We have decided to try to do something new as family each month, whether it's a new restaurant, new festival, new craft project, etc.   But perhaps the biggest new thing that I'm going to try is the Idle Ironman this month. My crazy friend, Jess, has talked me into signing up for this thing, where you complete the distances required in an Ironman, but you have 28 days to do it. I'm good with the running and the swimming (even if I have to put on a bathing suit, EEK!), but the cycling... ugh the cycling! I've never been much of a bike person. It hurts my bum and sometimes my hoohoo and I just don't enjoy it. But I'm gonna give it the ol' college try!

Just felt like putting up a pic where I don't look like Pinhead. : ) 

I gotta run for now because...well I gotta go run! : ) Slow and steady may not win the race, but it keeps me sane. Until next time....

Peace, Love, and new adventures.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


I have had a pretty intense 5 months, but I still don't know where all the time went since my last posts. So much has happened that I don't even know where to begin. The beginning it is.....
the holidays and winter weather also put a crimp in my running style. Normally I can power through, but this year time just got away from me. Between my son's birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving, my sister's birthday, my husband's birthday, my daughter's, Christmas, New Year's, final steps in the adoption, and my birthday. Time seemed like it has moved in warp speed. I am pretty sure that I even had a few races in there somewhere, but I can't remember what they are. : ) OOOHH... I remember!

I did the Hot Mamma's Race with some of my great friends. Three of us dressed up as super heroes. My hubs, who hardly ever gets to come to races, brought the kids out to watch.
Then I did the Run or Dye with my great friend, L, who just moved back after being away for a long time. It was nice to spend time with her, even if the weather was awful.

That's where it all just sort of blurs together. I broke my foot and the holidays swarmed me and the next thing I remember, it's January.
So here almost a month into the new year, I am already behind schedule. But I am taking better care of myself this time around. I have been to the doctor more times in the past 6 months than I think I have ever been. And for me that's saying a lot! But I'm trying to be proactive with my health instead of reactive. So far I'm about 50/50. I have been very faithful to yoga during this winter and hope to continue that while adding running and weights back into my routine. I want to be ready to run the OK Memorial half marathon this year. This year contains a new PR. I can feel it.
I have a great support system that has expanded this year with some great new friends with #run3rd.

My family is always my loudest cheerleaders. My kids hold me accountable (even though they are too young to realize that is what they are doing). My hubs is the all-time greatest.So I feel like this year is the year for great things.
Peace, Love, and a New Year!